Saturday, January 7, 2012

Random Acts of Venting

Yup, I'm ranting. I have every right to say what's on my mind and there is nothing that you can do to stop me. What you CAN do is close this tab on your browser of choice if you do not want to read something that probably applies to you and will definitely piss you off.
Go ahead.
I'll give you time.
Ok, if you're still here, then you're ready to read what I have to say. And boy, have I been waiting a LONG DAMN TIME to say it:
Please stop using your children for financial gain. Your child should be someone who enhances your life, encourages you to do better with yourself and is someone that you take the time to mold into an asset to society. You are supposed to train your child up in the way that they should go and what you teach them and show them is what they will carry for the rest of their lives.
First and foremost: stop having "baby daddys" and step your standards up and get yourself a husband. If you already have "baby daddys" stop holding your child hostage until your childs father gives you money. I agree that men should be financially responsible for theiir children, but keeping your child away from them because they are late with a payment or don't have the money is hurting your child. You wouldn't stand there and punch your child in the face because you don't have 10 bucks, would you? (if you answered yes, please call CPS and turn your child over) No, you wouldn't and keeping them from their father is the same. this does not apply if the father is abusive or a pedophile. In that case, punch YOURSELF for having a child with that loser.
And stop haing babies so that your welfare benefits go up. I actually met a woman who pointed to her 2 babies and said "you see these two? them my checks!" It's downright pathetic to me that women have these children and expect the government and everybody else to take care of them. Keep your legs closed and your birth control on standby if you don't want, can't afford to have or don't like kids.
If your child is under the age of 15 and asked you for the concords and you went out and bought them, shoot yourself. If your child is 16-22 and they asked you for the concords and you went out and bought them, shoot yourself. If your child is 23 and over and they asked you for the concords and you went out and bought them, shoot yourself. A child under the age of 15 who knows enough about shoes and release dates and things like that to ask for a pair of $200 shoes obviously has their minds on the wrong things. You should've taken that money and bought them new books or educational supplies or put it in a savings account for them when they get to college. A child 16-22 is old enough to work and buy their own shoes. Nuff said. A child that asked you after the age of 23 is a grown damn person and should be working to buy their own stuff. Why would a grown person be asking their parent for shoes anyway? That shows a flaw in your parenting. (the shoot yourself statement still applies)
We as parents must show our children better. I am proud to say if you asked my kids what a concord was, they would say an exotic, nearly extinct bird.  (they would be thinking about CONDOR, but they wouldn't say: "the new J's")
Why don't you just strap up? No really. Everybody hands out condoms for free and you know you don't wanna wife these rats that you're fucking, so why bring a kid into that mess? Let me tell you one thing:
If she hawked you, talked you up, followed you around, then told you she was on BC and you didnt have to wear a condom, then she's either burning or ovulating. Period.
No self respecting woman will let a man have sex with her without a condom. Diseases run too rampant and we women have sensitive lady parts. We want them clean and disease free. 
Do yourself a favor, save yourself a lot of hood drama and save the happiness of a child you didn't want by strapping up. Every time. Until you put a ring on it.
Get a job. Just get a job. Stop milking the government and talking about "what? it's free money." These programs are designed for people who need them. They are not meant for you to get pregnant and say "this money is gonna pay for my baby since Ray Ray aint give me no money". That's bullshit. I wish I could kick you off the Pit of Death while screaming THIS IS SPARTA!!!
When you decide to have a child, you should make the conscious decision to provide for that child. If you had sex with a loser who disappeared after you told him the good news, you STILL have to provide for that child (but kick yourself for that stupid decision). I am a person who loves to help people so I am glad programs like TANF and food stamps and daycare vouchers exist. I know plenty of single mothers and fathers who would not survive if they didn't have them. But the difference is that there are too many of you NIGGAS (black white peter rican asian purple orange green,  man woman anything in between, yall all NIGGAS if you won't take care of your seed) abusing the system, making it hard for people who need it to get it. Stop being trifling and get a job. You don't need experience to flip burgers. You don't need a degree to clean buildings. When you EARN your money, you take pride in your purchases. Buying the concords with your welfare check is detestable.
There is a special place in Hell for you. Don't worry. You'll see it soon enough. But for right now, you know you're wrong. I'm sure that by the time you spill the beans (if you ever do) that man will love that child so completely that he will continue to care for them, but he will definitely beat the shit out of you. And he should. That offense is right up there with killing puppies and kicking retarded kids. I'm smh. You should be ashamed of yourself, but I know you aren't.

I'm exhausted. I have more, but I will have to touch on it later. If you're mad, so what. Stay mad. It had to be said. So I said it.

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