I frequently find myself looking at something (usually facebook, but sometimes twitter) and I am yelling at my screen "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" or "THERE IS NO WAY ON EARTH I KNOW SOMEONE THIS STUPID!" or I just sit silently, shaking my head and marvel at the fact that I really DO know people that are this stupid.
I then go up to my status bar, sure that today is the day that I finally do it:
Today is the day I start a facebook war.
Now starting a facebook war is very easy, but comes with lengthy and hilarious consequences. All you have to do is write what you think right behind someone who says something generally accepted as retarded. Then the person will respond (and usually this response contains the word "hater" in some way, shape, or form) and then they bait you and bait you and the responses tend to get more and more outrageous as the day goes on (especially if no response is made). Soon, the offended party's friends will join in on the fun and start making comments or posts about the injustice of people expressing an opinion that does not agree with their own (go figure) and before long you've got a full-fledged war. The originating parties are probably done with the whole thing by now, but everyone else continues the war until it blows out of proportion, it reaches the news and nukes are fired (ok, not really, but you see where I'm going with this, right?).
So I tend to grab someone near me and point at my screen and rant about the actions of other people or laugh at the ridiculous and totally unflattering pictures that some person has put up. (y'all know that y'all do it too) that usually works and the feeling passes and I can put up a generic status update and my peers "like" and others read and ignore, mainly because they don't know it was about them.
But, recently, the urge to wage war has been darn near unbearable, so I have decided to share them in a platform that gives me license to voice my thoughts and gives me enough obscurity that I don't have to explain myself.
Since some people have been irritating me so much and I wanna tell em how I feel (and say it wit my chest), I'll do it here. And there are other things that I might as well say while I'm at it.
Stay tuned.
And I am pretty sure some people are thinking that this is kind of a "chicken" way to do things. So what. You're entitled to your opinion and thanks a lot for reading mine.
Always the truth, the whole and nuttin but
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