Saturday, October 8, 2011

Random Acts of Poetry: For Our Daughters, When the World Tries to Speak Louder Than We Do

(I feel the need to add a note to this one. I am the mother of a small daughter and I have had a lot of these phrases come from her mouth and it disturbs me that my precious, gorgeous, perfect daughter should be made to feel inadequate by the world. This is for her and every other precious daughter, from every color of the rainbow, to hug them when no one's around and to strengthen them when they feel weak and to yell out loud when the world's voice becomes too insistent. Please share it if you feel it.)

Little girls are like precious flowers blooming
All the while there are dangers looming
Someone’s trying to throw salt in their roots
To cause a wound that no amount of mommy’s kisses can heal
When I was a little girl, I was unaware of the dangers
The strange hands of strangers that always seemed to
Come too close to closed quarters
No matter how close I watch her
I have to let her go away from me
And when I was her age my worries were limited
To how quick I could climb that tree
Or how can I ditch this skirt so my mom won’t see
But my daughter cries out to me “mommy, do u think I’m skinny”
Mommy, I think there’s too much fat on me
Mommy my hair is too nappy,
I think it’s time for a perm”
And I just want her to learn how gorgeous she is
How perfect God made her
That she should embrace herself now, before the world lets her go
There’s so much to know and not enough time to teach it
I wish I could instill confidence if I just speak it
But there are voices that are trying to be louder than mine
So I hold her close and whisper to her
How her beauty is skin deep and deep within her heart
That she is a perfect creation of the one true God
That what others say don’t matter, that she must be good always
And to not put much clout into what those mean girls say
That mommy’s arms will always be a fortress for her
And that power is at hand through prayer
And that I’ll be strong for her even in weak times
That no one can destroy a strong mind
That men may come to weaken her resolve
That you can get rid of a bad man with a swift kick to the balls
That saying no is always better than saying yes
And that life matters more about what’s in your mind than the way you dress
That having a baby before you’re legally old enough to drink is not such a good idea
But that doesn’t mean kill it before it’s all the way here
That my love for her is endless, so that boys love don’t mean shit
And together, no matter the problem, we can take care of it
That crying is sometimes a necessary thing,
But crying alone is never an option as long as I’m breathing
That broken hearts heal, but broken minds don’t
That boys may like you if you open your legs, but they will respect you if you don’t
That sometimes, as women we cry more than we ought to
That we love harder than we think we should
And we don’t laugh hardly enough
And that sometimes the going gets tough
And sometimes the path beneath our feet feels rough
But when we get tired, just lean on the Father
And He will carry you a while
That it takes more muscles to frown than to smile
That there are some things that can be felt, but the words won’t fit
That love is more action than words, and it will fill you with joy if you let it
I’m running along here, but I have so much to say
Because, inevitably, I won’t be around one day
So let me hold you a little longer, before you’re too old to hold
One last thing: God is always in control
I love you, just the way you are

1 comment:

  1. I agree more parents should be teaching the true meaning of beauty.

    What is beauty and how does it feel or sound?

    Is beauty the horn of a beautiful car or the sound of a bird singing?

    Is beauty the length and texture of the hair or the style the hair manifest?

    Is beauty saying I love you or show love for all people at all times?

    Is beauty the style of the clothing or the finest and culture the clothing represents?

    Is beauty having the largest house or the love and family whom live in the house?

    Is religion beautiful or Is how God work in our lives beautiful?

    Is being intelligent beautiful or is being educated person beautiful?

    You see I think this world has gotten things screwed up; as a whole some parents have taught their children backwards; development of the outside to develop the inside person. In reality the inside person develops the full person and that is truly what’s beautiful.
